Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Free Essays on Time Value Of Money

Understand the Time Value of Money The most basic law in finance! The time value of money states that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar at some time in the future. Okay, it’s not that simple to understand at first glance so let me delve into this advice a little with some financial examples: If I invest $1,000 in a 5% savings account today, it will be worth $1,050 in one year. Therefore, if I can have $1,000 today or choose to have $1,000 one year from now, it is always better to have the money now. By saving and investing today, you make the time value of money work for you. Let’s look at the reverse of this, to see how the time value of money can work against you. Suppose instead of receiving $1,000 that you spent $1,000 by purchasing merchandise on your credit card. Remember that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow, so in this case, you will have lost money because you will need to pay off your credit card account with money from the future (which is worth less than money today). In addition to having to pay with future money, you will also have to pay interest expense. So, in this case, if you paid off the credit card in one year (assuming 15% interest), you’d have to pay $1,150. You should think about the time value of money before making any decisions. Another, maybe even more important concept related to the time value of money is the compounding effect of money. The next rule is to understand the compounding effect of money: Understand the Compounding Effect of Money The compounding effect of money is extremely important when making any financial decision. The compounding effect of money is often overlooked or underestimated by people when making decisions. When applied to all of your financial decisions, this effect is the KEY to long-term success! To illustrate the compounding effect of money, let me use some financial examples: Suppose you had invested $1,000 today in a 5%... Free Essays on Time Value Of Money Free Essays on Time Value Of Money Understand the Time Value of Money The most basic law in finance! The time value of money states that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar at some time in the future. Okay, it’s not that simple to understand at first glance so let me delve into this advice a little with some financial examples: If I invest $1,000 in a 5% savings account today, it will be worth $1,050 in one year. Therefore, if I can have $1,000 today or choose to have $1,000 one year from now, it is always better to have the money now. By saving and investing today, you make the time value of money work for you. Let’s look at the reverse of this, to see how the time value of money can work against you. Suppose instead of receiving $1,000 that you spent $1,000 by purchasing merchandise on your credit card. Remember that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow, so in this case, you will have lost money because you will need to pay off your credit card account with money from the future (which is worth less than money today). In addition to having to pay with future money, you will also have to pay interest expense. So, in this case, if you paid off the credit card in one year (assuming 15% interest), you’d have to pay $1,150. You should think about the time value of money before making any decisions. Another, maybe even more important concept related to the time value of money is the compounding effect of money. The next rule is to understand the compounding effect of money: Understand the Compounding Effect of Money The compounding effect of money is extremely important when making any financial decision. The compounding effect of money is often overlooked or underestimated by people when making decisions. When applied to all of your financial decisions, this effect is the KEY to long-term success! To illustrate the compounding effect of money, let me use some financial examples: Suppose you had invested $1,000 today in a 5%...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Accorgersi

How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Accorgersi Conjugation table for the Italian verb  accorgersi accorgersi: to notice, realize, be aware ofIrregular second-conjugation Italian verbReflexive verb  (requires a  reflexive pronoun) INDICATIVE/INDICATIVO Presente io mi accorgo tu ti accorgi lui, lei, Lei si accorge noi ci accorgiamo voi vi accorgete loro, Loro si accorgono Imperfetto io mi accorgevo tu ti accorgevi lui, lei, Lei si accorgeva noi ci accorgevamo voi vi accorgevate loro, Loro si accorgevano Passato remoto io mi accorsi tu ti accorgesti lui, lei, Lei si accorse noi ci accorgemmo voi vi accorgeste loro, Loro si accorsero Futuro semplice io mi accorger tu ti accorgerai lui, lei, Lei si accorger noi ci accorgeremo voi vi accorgerete loro, Loro si accorgeranno Passato prossimo io mi sono accorto/a tu ti sei accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si accorto/a noi ci siamo accorti/e voi vi siete accorti/e loro, Loro si sono accorti/e Trapassato prossimo io mi ero accorto/a tu ti eri accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si era accorto/a noi ci eravamo accorti/e voi vi eravate accorti/e loro, Loro si erano accorti/e Trapassato remoto io mi fui accorto/a tu ti fosti accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si fu accorto/a noi ci fummo accorti/e voi vi foste accorti/e loro, Loro si furono accorti/e Future anteriore io mi sar accorto/a tu ti sarai accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si sar accorto/a noi ci saremo accorti/e voi vi sarete accorti/e loro, Loro si saranno accorti/e SUBJUNCTIVE/CONGIUNTIVO Presente io mi accorga tu ti accorga lui, lei, Lei si accorga noi ci accorgiamo voi vi accorgiate loro, Loro si accorgano Imperfetto io mi accorgessi tu ti accorgessi lui, lei, Lei si accorgesse noi ci accorgessimo voi vi accorgeste loro, Loro si accorgessero Passato io mi sia accorto/a tu ti sia accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si sia accorto/a noi ci siamo accorti/e voi vi siate accorti/e loro, Loro si siano accorti/e Trapassato io mi fossi accorto/a tu ti fossi accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si fosse accorto/a noi ci fossimo accorti/e voi vi foste accorti/e loro, Loro si fossero accorti/e CONDITIONAL/CONDIZIONALE Presente io mi accorgerei tu ti accorgeresti lui, lei, Lei si accorgerebbe noi ci accorgeremmo voi vi accorgereste loro, Loro si accorgerebbero Passato io mi sarei accorto/a tu ti saresti accorto/a lui, lei, Lei si sarebbe accorto/a noi ci saremmo accorti/e voi vi sareste accorti/e loro, Loro si sarebbero accorti/e IMPERATIVE/IMPERATIVO Presente - accorgiti, si accorga, accorgiamoci, accorgetevi, si accorgano INFINITIVE/INFINITO Presente - accorgersi Passato - essersi accorto PARTICIPLE/PARTICIPIO Presente - accorgentesi Passato - accortosi GERUND/GERUNDIO Presente - accorgendosi Passato - essendosi accorto Italian Verbs    Italian Verbs: Auxiliary verbs, reflexive verbs, and the use of various tenses. Verb conjugations, definitions, and examples. Italian Verbs For Beginners: Reference guide to Italian verbs.