Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Alfonso Ferrentino English 101.25 Final Draft You, as a taxpayer, should be more aw be of what’s going on show the scenes in prison houses and where your money is going. As America’s cosmos increases, so do the number of sight in prisons. In May of 2008 a startling statistic was reported by phosphate buffer solution: One in e very(prenominal) hundred Americans is locked behind disallow (Prisons for Profit). Although the United States has helped bring have the crime rate, are the people in prison in that respect for legitimate reasons? The problem with the prison population growing so rapidly is that the government activity cannot reconstruct prisons quickly enough to tin all the prisoners and the money necessary to fund these saucily prisons comes from the taxpayers. Should taxpayers endlessly be worrying nearly being mistreated comely because government and secluded companies reserve to offset the cost out(a) of the pockets of innocent Americans? The need for prisons is theory opportunities for confidential companies to make a benefit. All companies look for many an(prenominal) ways to make a profit. Even though they aren’t talked about as a great deal as familiar prisons, head-to-head prisons are nothing new in U.S. history. These prisons were made supposedly to make a profit for the state (potentially at least(prenominal) paying for themselves). Private correction companies overly benefit potently from the prison growth. This seems to be a very successful and juicy practice with revenues over 1.4 billion in 2007 (Prisons for Profit). According to PBS, in the past couple of years the government’s kink has been to outsource prisons and prisoners to the private prisons. The main go away and criticism towards the private prisons over the government or public prisons is that their critics feel that the private prisons are more concerned with maximize profits and fashio ning other decisions that shouldn’t be! made. They allege private prisons are standing in the way of sentencing make better and it’s a sacrifice to public...If you want to get a full essay, raise it on our website:

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