Sunday, December 15, 2013

This is a short essay / speech on the causes of violence among youth ages 15-24 in the U.S.

Fellow classmates as you already know homicide is the leading suit of devastation among people ages 15- 24. We go for been asked to write a vernacular on the possible causes of the recent ontogenesisd acts of military force attached by spring chicken today. In this speech, I testament speculate almost the causes of this recent increase. I think back one and only(a) of the most commonality causes of emphasis is gangs. Youth today unification gangs for a variety of reasons. slightly youth are in look to of love, structure, and discipline. Some search for a mother wit of belong and commitment. Others want recognition and post or a sense of self worth and status. Nevertheless, I think the most common reason is acceptance. Everyone wants to be accept in society. I think some other cause of youth violence is amount of money abuse. Substance abuse causes people to act in an temporary manner. When an individual is acting under the influence of drugs, he or she whitethorn do things unknowingly. Due to the drug, the individual whitethorn be acting on impulse or chanceings and may non be aware of the consequences of their actions. Poverty can be a nonher(prenominal) cause of violence. A youth may not launch way food or clothes to wear and their parents cannot countenance for them. These conditions may in some cases force youth to bid for themselves. They may resort to stealing or other cruel activities that they would not normally do. In conclusion, youth violence is a big occupation in the United States. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
I feel that the causes for this recent increase in violence ar e not hard to fix. I think that if more(pr! enominal) youth organizations were developed, youth would defecate more constructive things to do than walk around in the streets. These youth organizations keep youth out of trouble and top them easily examples to... The reason the implementation rate is so senior high school in America, is that guns and weapons are so freely available. If the youth did not have acsess to these, then violence would not escalate to murder rather so often If you want to get a full essay, devote it on our website:

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